Artists Attic Trust was founded by working artists local to the Dewsbury area who want to provide a safe, creative, knowledgeable and supportive environment; for all of our diverse community groups so that everyone can benefit from exposure to the creative arts.
For us, this community aims to help everyone engage together in art programs and events for whatever reason whether for therapy, wellness, community or self improvement, art has no boundaries and no prejudice.
At Artists Attic we know that art can play a large part in bringing communities together so we aim to bring art to everyone:
- From the young to the elderly
- The mentally impaired to the physically disabled
- The lost and the found
- And everyone in-between.
Everyone can create, everyone can inspire, and everyone can give worth and hope to others.
In mid May 2023 we were able to move in to vacant premises at 44, Daisy Hill, Dewsbury. Part of the Daisy Hill regeneration project, these premises are provided rent free by the council until such time as the development project moves forward. This street level location is well suited to our purpose as it is easily accessible, highly visible to the public and includes disabled access and facilities. We want people to be curious, to see something interesting going on and to feel welcome to walk in and be offered the opportunity to 'have a go'.
From here we can provide opportunities for a growing variety of arts and crafts using all sorts of mediums. In particular they are in the heart of one of the most run down areas of Dewsbury where we can have most impact.
Art and Creativity are common threads running through all our lives.
As Albert Einstein put it: "Creativity is intelligence having fun". But, being practical, we have to address the basic question and ask: what are our priorities?
Young people.

One of our young residents with their work during a Holiday Club project, Jan 2024
Artists Attic aims to make creative outlets and activities available to young people so that they can explore their own creative potential for themselves.
Modern life can be tough and we can easily forget to step back for a moment and think about the good things that make us happy. If we can help young people create more of what is beautiful or pleasing in their lives we leave less space for the negative stuff.
And if they spend more time doing things that make them happy - how will that affect their attitudes to other things?
We aim to change the situation that there is nothing for our young people to do in North Kirklees and give them something to do, a new way of expressing themselves. The bus station and the market are well known trouble spots for young people. If we can engage with them and get them off the streets in a safe place as well as contribute something to their lives by providing creative workshops and leisure activities that will be worthwhile.
To provide creative activities for young people we need capable artists and the more artists engage with the centre the more creative 'buzz' there will be to keep our young people engaged. This enables us to pay the artists while they provide supervision of the young people's and other workshops and the spin off of job opportunities for artists creates a virtuous circle and enables us to support the creative community while they do what they love doing.
What we are doing now
'Artful Expressions'
Artful Expressions is our weekly creative workshop for young people under 18 years. It runs from 5-7pm (after school) every Monday until July 2024.
Our costs for staffing and property overheads for this project are grant funded by the National Lottery Community Fund ,and the workshops are therefore free to those taking part.

Community support
And once we have the venue up and running is when we can accommodate other groups in need of support using the creative arts as a way of connecting with them and supporting them through whatever difficulty they face. The same applies to any community group in need of space in which to function.
using creativity to support mental wellbeing in the community
Doing something with your hands, your brain or even your feet is a well established mechanism to maintain and improve your mental wellbeing.
Creating something, or supporting someone else who is making something, or working in a team to make something are all ways of creating focus and giving meaning to people's lives.
Whether what you make is beautiful or functional - it's all in the eye of the beholder.
Artists Attic aims to support those who choose to create something to add beauty to their lives.
Drop-in sessions - open access to explore possibilities
We are open for those with time on their hands wanting to explore possibilities from
- 11am to 3pm on Monday and;
- 11am to 3pm on Wednesday
Our drop-in sessions are intended to provide an opportunity for anyone to come in and talk about what they would like to do - and for us to work out how to help you do it. For any members of the community we provide an opportunity to drop in and find out what you can do - and if its an easy one you can be doing it inside 10 minutes.
While you work out what is your direction of creative travel we provide this service for free. Once you are settled on a way forward then you can move on to Skills Workshops.
Skills Workshops
Once you settle on an activity that you would like to develop then you can choose from one of the paid workshops we are developing to help you on your way.
All our workshops are listed on the Home page
Coffee Club
11am - 12pm every Wednesday
We host the Coffee Club from 11am-12pm every Wednesday to provide an opportunity for individuals to get together in a warm, friendly, social environment.
There is no charge other than the cost of the coffee and you might like to pop in and take the opportunity to view the various artwork that is on display from time to time.
We do this both to contribute to the community but also in an attempt to spark an interest in creative activity at every level. Breaking down the barriers of 'I'm not an artist' and 'I can't do that' .
At Artists Attic can you walk in the door for a coffee and be learning to paint inside 10 minutes!
All of our activities are based around using the creative arts as a means of delivering recreation and leisure activities to those in need of support for whatever reason. To do this we need active, working artists. We have a core of three professional artists and a list of another ten who have expressed their willingness to help - but we need lots more artists living locally to come on down and support the project where we are introducing other groups to art in all its forms.
The artists group will benefit from continuing education, peer reviews and critiques (or not if you're not inclined!) and the opportunity to compete for your art to be seen in public spaces. In exchange we would like you to support the young people's workshops and pass on some of your knowledge to others. When our projects are grant funded we aim to pay a respectable rate for your services as well.
Town centre regeneration
One of the basic principles now being recognised for town centre regeneration is the need to move community activity into the town centre rather than assume that the centre is just for shops. To make sure that people following their interests actually pass through the town centre.
With a wide range of sectors of the community engaged with the creative activity happening at 44, Daisy Hill we aim to provide some of that community activity - as well as reaching out and delivering art in Dewsbury town centre to improve the community's opinion of the place where they live and work.