Our first Artists Open Evening on Thursday, 27 July was a fantastic success, at least we think so, with local creatives turning out to find out what Artists Attic is about and, more importantly, for many of them to volunteer their services to help.
Every one was a star and got their chance to write their name into history on our yard wall. At least until we paint it over for the next bright idea.
We had the opportunity to explain what Artists Attic is about and how we aim to bring art and creativity to the people in the street by making the creative process more accessible to everybody.

We already have drop-in sessions running 11am-3pm on Mondays and Wednesdays and with the additional support of our stars we expect to be able to extend that to Fridays in the near future. Monday Art Club from 6-8pm is already running to accommodate the enthusiasm of the local children living in the Daisy Hill area.
Community engagement continues with Artists Attic attending every local event we can locate in order to guage the wants and needs of our diverse community. We'll be converting that into classes and workshops just a soon as we can.
In the meantime, if you are a local artist, creative or artisan who would like to join the party please use the Contact form to say hello and start a conversation.
Here's some more of the creative stars you could meet:

Hi, my son is 11 years old and very creative, always making things with whatever is lying around and enjoys making comics.
Is this something my son could be part of? And if so, could I have some more Info please; days, times etc.
Thank you.
Thank you for your interest.
You can find what we are currently doing on our Classes page at https://artistsattictrust.co.uk/classes/
We’re open through the week on Mon, Wed and Friday dropin sessions during the day and we’re aiming to be open more for young people in the the ‘after school’ period and on Saturday mornings.
We also have an Easter Holiday Club for four days during the Easter holiday. You can also find this on the Classes page of the website.
This can be free if your boy is eligible for free school meals.
Otherwise, just drop in to chat about how we can help. Mondays or Wednesdays are usually best.