This is a question we get asked a lot! Well the simple answer is it changes all the time!! I know it’s not what you wanted to hear but ideas constantly pop into our heads from discussions we have with our clients. When we get a brief we chat with everyone about what they want and what they expect and then we have to decipher what they actually mean and turn it all into images! …….Sounds easy, yes?

A simple conversation with someone can spark ideas that when we start drawing they grow and develop through designs that go back and forth with the client and finally turn into the finished product. Our project with Carlton school is a good example – We spoke to the school about creating a wall piece for the outside of the school in which they wanted to represent the amazing diversity of cultures and nationalities they have within the school. This then turned into a visualisation of those cultures through art and bringing them all together into one central area. In this case a swirl representing the mix within Carlton School.

It’s important as an artist to stay inspired and stay contextually relevant with what is going on in the world. I regularly visit galleries and art shows to see what everyone else is coming up with. I like spending time in nature and observing the changing seasons, taking in the colours and sounds as nature takes a big part in my creative process. This is me creating some scenery for a pantomime …. can you guess which one?

What keeps you inspired?

About the Author

Gina Reid

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